Dr Pierluigi Struzzo is a medical doctor with extensive experience in general and respiratory medicine.
Dr Pierluigi Struzzo dedicated most of his professional and extra-professional life in studying and implementing evidence-based medicine as a Primary care physicians and Respiratory medicine Consultant, in the national health service and in the private sector.
Dr Pierluigi Struzzo has over 30 years experience in the national and international health care systems.
Furthermore, as occupational medicine doctor, he evaluates work-related respiratory diseases such as asthma, COPD and pulmonary fibrosis.
He spent most of his professional life between Italy and UK. He is currently Consultant Geriatrician with Respiratory expertise at Whips Cross Hospital, Bart’s Health NHS Trust, where is has clinical and academic duties.
He is still enrolled in learning at the London School of Economics.
He is the author of more than 100 scientific publications (mainly on healthy lifestyles) in peer and non peer-reviewed journals.